This year, Powerhouse, with the help of every employee, was able to provide Angel Tree presents to 800 local kids. This effort could not have been possible without Crowley ISD’s support and organization. It also would not have been possible to wrap all of these gifts without the volunteered time from our employees and The Crowley Senior Center’s seniors. Each year, the number of Angel Tree families grows, but so does the word throughout the community, so we are never short of hands when we need it most.
Thank you, Crowley, for making this program possible and successful each year!
We were also able to celebrate this season with our favorite seniors from The Crowley Senior Center. Sixty & Better gathered the area’s Senior Centers together to ring in the holidays at their annual Holiday Dance Party at the beginning of December. For the second year in a row, Powerhouse was asked to provide and volunteer for the coffee bar at the party. Not sure anyone can have as much fun as these seniors, but Powerhouse’s volunteers got close!